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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a GP referral to access your services?

We want to make accessing our services as easy and stress free as possible, therefore we do NOT require a referral for you to engage with us. 

We do however have and online referral forms available which we welcome GP's, Psychiatrists, other health providers, carers or family members to complete when recommending our services. This allows us to best determine whether we are going to be an appropriate fit for you - You may even wish to complete a self-referral and tell us a little about yourself and your needs before we meet.

Are you NDIS registered? And why does it matter?

Yes, We are NDIS Registered. This means we can work with self, plan or NDIA managed participants. 


To become a registered provider, organisations must meet certain criteria, such as adhering to the NDIS Price Guide, and following specific rules, regulations and standards. They must also undergo ongoing audits to show they are compliant with these requirements and are delivering services which comply with quality and safeguarding practices. An unregistered provider is not bound by the same requirements.


My primary diagnosis is not mental health related; can you still help?

Whilst Dynamic Ability specialises in psychosocial supports, not having a diagnosed mental illness will not exclude you from our services.


We understand that mental health can play a large role in any diagnosis and that you may want to choose a provider that keeps this at the centre of their practice. We will work with you, taking your unique circumstances into consideration to determine if we can adequately meet your needs. 


Is there a difference in price between your NDIS services and private services?

We believe in the fair and ethical treatment of all. We do not differentiate the cost of services between NDIS and private clients, where the service being delivered is considered to be equivalent in nature, required skill level and resources. 


We have a number of different services to suit different needs and a personalised plan can be tailored to meet your individual goals. We pride ourselves on open, honest and transparent relationships so you will never be hit with unexpected or additional costs that have not been fully discussed prior to service delivery. 


Do you charge for travel?

We believe that your funds should be used on service delivery - not eaten up by travel expenses. therefore, we are committed to reducing these costs wherever possible.

Under NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, service providers who need to travel to deliver services may charge the participant for both the time spent and the non-labour costs incurred. This includes travel to you from our regular place of business or between clients on the same day. 


At Dynamic Ability, we aim to reduce these fees by charging only for labour costs associated with your support. 


Furthermore, we maintain a consistent hourly rate for travel, ensuring that you will not incur higher charges for this time compared to other clients, even if the service you are receiving has a higher standard hourly rate. 


Do you provide advocacy services?

Any good psychosocial support should help you to engage with your community, challenge stereotypes, knockdown barriers and recognise your rights. This can often involve informal advocacy in the context of capacity building and supporting your individual needs.


However, as your support coordinator, recovery coach or therapy provider, Dynamic Ability should not be acting as your formal advocate. Our role is to build your capacity in advocating for yourself and to refer and connect you to formal advocacy services where necessary.


If you would like to know more about formal advocacy, we have a number of resources available. 


Aren't Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA) normally completed by an Occupational Therapist? - Will NDIS accept your report?

A FCA works to determine your current level of functioning, your strengths, and weaknesses, how you manage on a day-to-day basis, and it can help to identify any challenges or gaps that may need to be addressed. If you are living with a physical disability, need home modifications or specialised assistive technology then an OT is probably the best choice for you. 


For participants with a psychosocial disability however, the NDIS considers Social Workers and Mental Health nurses to be the most appropriately qualified practitioners to conduct the standardised assessments that are considered best practice. Staff at Dynamic Ability are specialists in the field of psychosocial supports and are well equipped to complete a comprehensive functional capacity assessments which will be well regarded in NDIS plan reviews and access requests. 

Dynamic Ability PTY LTD

ABN: 13 663 404 868 | NDIS registration number: 405 013 0163

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