We Value Your Opinion!
If you have any feedback (positive or negative) we would love to hear from you!
Suggestions help us improve our service and allow us to better help others in the future and praise lets us know we are on the right track.
Complaints are also an important part of our quality improvement process as they help us understand what is important to you and how we can improve our services.
You may wish to provide your name and contact details so that we can personally respond, or you may choose to stay anonymous if you prefer.
Complaints Management
Dynamic Ability is dedicated to providing the best possible services for the people we support.
In the unfortunate event that you or your support team have any concerns about the service we are providing or at any time we do not meet your expectations, it is important that you talk to us about it as soon as possible.
If you feel comfortable, we encourage you to raise your concern directly with us, as this is often the best way to have your issue resolved quickly. A copy of our complaints management and resolution policy is provided to all clients within their welcome pack along with a hardcopy feedback form, alternatively you may complete the online form below.
We endeavour to respond to all feedback and complaints as soon as possible.
If we are unable to resolve your concern or complaint, then we encourage you to seek further support from a family member, friend, independent advocate or the NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Commission.
Advocacy Support
Disability Advocates:
PHONE: (08) 9420 7279
TEXT ONLY: 0488 798 615
EMAIL: info@pwdwa.org
Mental Health Advocates:
PHONE: 1800 999 057
EMAIL: contactus@mhas.wa.gov.au
Lodging a complaint with the NDIS Commission:
PHONE: 1800 035 544
ONLINE: complaint contact form